Maj je bio poprilično haotičan mesec za mene. Predavanja na fakultetu su se polako približavala kraju što je značilo da će uskoro početi ispitni rok i da nemam puno vremena da radim nešto drugo već samo da spremim ispite. Osetila sam veliki pritisak i bila sam veoma anksiozna ne samo zbog fakulteta, nego i zbog bloga. Svi oko mene su me non stop pitali kad ću objaviti novi tekst, nove slike i tako dalje. Onda desilo se to da sam morala da odbijem jednu saradnju jer je bilo nemoguće da sve to postignem i na sve to prekinula sam da komuniciram sa jednom osobom koja mi je bila veoma bitna u životu. Tada su pocele i negativne misli da mi se provlace kroz glavu. Obaveze su se ređale jedna za drugom i sve je išlo tako velikom brzinom da više nisam znala šta radim. Zapravo, imala sam osećaj da ništa pametno ne radim, da ništa do sad nisam postigla, da samo trošim vreme na gluposti i da mi ništa u životu ne ide.
Emocije su krenule naglo da dolaze i postalo je nepodnošljivo. Nisam mogla više da se pravim da sam srećna, pozitivna, smirena i da krivim sebe zbog svake loše misli koja mi prođe kroz glavu. Nisam mogla više da non stop kontrolišem svoje misli, reakcije i osećanja. Više me nije bilo briga šta će drugi ljudi da kažu i da misle kako sam možda slaba, kako sam lenja i kako samo tražim izgovore. Sve što sam želela jeste da se isplačem i izbacim sve to iz sebe, da ispirčam sve to nekome i da mi taj neko kaže da se ne brinem i da će sve to biti u redu, čak i ako nije siguran da li će stvarno sve biti u redu. Tako sam i uradila, pustila sam sve to iz sebe, rekla sam ljudima oko mene da nisam okej, da se ne osećam dobro i da mi je jednostavno potrebno da se na kratko distanciram od svega.
Mogu vam reći da je to nešto najbolje što sam uradila do sad jer mi je pomoglo da shvatim jednu veoma bitnu činjenicu a to je da je sasvim u redu osećati se loše, da je sasvim u redu isplakati se kad god osećate potrebu za tim, reći ljudima kako se osećate, ne glumeti da ste dobro kada niste, jer svi smo mi ljudi sa emocijama, osećanjima, mislima koje ne možemo 24h da kontrolišemo. Prosto nije to u našoj prirodi, nismo tako stvoreni. Nismo mašine koje ujutru kada se upale rade po ceo dan isto bez prestanka, pa kada malo zastanu ili pokvare se završe u kanti za smeće i to je to. Ne! Mi smo osobe koje mogu da osete sve što im se dešava u životu i koje ne rade po istom principu stalno, to je ono što sam htela da vas podsetim ovim tekstom. Ne budite grubi prema sebi, ne osuđujte puno sebe za stvari koje vam se dešavaju i ne shvatajte sebe preozbiljno.
Ako do sad nije bilo nikog da vam ovo kaže i da vas podseti, drago mi je da ću biti prva koja će vam reci da ste jedna divna osoba koja je do sad postigla dosta, koja treba sebe da nagradi i za mali uspeh koji ste postigli i koja svakako zaslužuje odmor. Uradite danas nešto za sebe, nešto što volite, nešto što vas čini srećnim i nešto što vas opušta. Recite ljudima kako se osećate, izbacite to iz sebe jer će vam tada život postati mnogo lakši. I zapamtite "Sve je u redu i sve će biti u redu!"
Udahnite duboko, pustite kontrolu i prepustite se životu.
May was pretty much hectic month for me. Exam season was about to start which meant that I don't have too much time to do anything else but study. I felt big pressure and I was a lil bit anxious not only because of college, but also because of my blog. People were constantly asking me when will I publish new post, then I felt sad because I had to reject one collaboration because there was no way that I could put that in my schedule and I also stopped comunicating with someone who meant a lot to me. I had all these negative thoughts in my had that I couldn't stop. Obligations were coming one after another and everything was going so fast that I got to a point where I didn't know what I was doing. Moreover, I had a feeling that I wasn't doing anything smart, that I didn't accomplish anything so far, that I am only wasting my time on stupid things and it seemed like nothing was going on in right way.
Emotions started coming so hard on me and it became unbearable. I couldn't pretend anymore that I was happy and positive, when I was not. I couldn't blame myself because of every single negative thought that went through my mind and I just couldn't control my emotions, feelings and my reaction. I didn't care anymore what would people say to me and if they thounght that I am weak, lazy and that I am only making excuses. All I wanted was to cry out everything and talk with someone who will try to understand me and tell me that everything is going to be fine, even though they are not sure in it. Evntually, that's exactly what I did, I told people that I am not ok and that I just need to distance myself from everything.
I can definitely tell you that it was the best thing that I've done so far because it helped me realized one very important thing and that is the fact that it's totally ok to feel bad, it's ok to cry when you feel need for that and it's ok to tell people how you actually feel and not tell them that you are good when you're dying inside. You shouldn't pretend that you are ok, when you are not, because we are all humans with emotions, feelings and thoughts that we can't control 24/7. We are not created like that, it's not in our nature. We are not machines that should function all day long and then when they stop to function, they should be thrown away in garbage. No! We are people and we feel everything that it's happening to us and we are not made to work same over and over again. That is the one thing that I wanted to remind you with this text. Don't be hard on yourself, don't judge yourself and don't take yourself too seriously.
If till now there was no one to remind you this, I am happy to be the first one who will tell you that you are beautiful person who has accomplished so much and you should reward yourself for that and you should definitely distance yourself from everything if you feel like it. Do something good for yourself today, do something that you love, something that makes you happy and something that makes you feel relaxed. Tell people how you feel, let it go because then your life will become so much easier. And don't forget "Everything is ok and everything will be ok!"
Take a deep breathe, let go of control, unwind yourself and enjoy life!
Love, Andrea
If till now there was no one to remind you this, I am happy to be the first one who will tell you that you are beautiful person who has accomplished so much and you should reward yourself for that and you should definitely distance yourself from everything if you feel like it. Do something good for yourself today, do something that you love, something that makes you happy and something that makes you feel relaxed. Tell people how you feel, let it go because then your life will become so much easier. And don't forget "Everything is ok and everything will be ok!"
Take a deep breathe, let go of control, unwind yourself and enjoy life!
Love, Andrea
I know how you feel, and you have expressed it so well. We all go through these times in our lives. You have written this so well! x
Thank you! :)) i know, we all have these struggles today but now with good organization we can make it!
DeleteI do feel all of those emotions as well. I left my full-time job months ago to go full-time blogging and I get worried every single day if it's the right choice and whether I'll make it. I guess time will tell. Sometimes we should take things easy.
ReplyDeleteIt's risky but I think it will pay off :)) Time will definitely tell! :))
Deletemay was also very hard and stressfull for me. I totally get your points here!we do need to take things easy!
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely! We should take care of ourselves! :***
DeleteThis month of june has been a little bit like that for me, i feel very unmotivated and stressed. Thank you for making me realize it's ok to feel like this sometimes, we are in fact all human <3
ReplyDeleteYou will motivate yourself again, i know that! :))) now you should just relax and remember that a setback is a setup for a comeback! :* xoxo
DeleteI completely agree! It's essential to go easy on yourself. I like to live by these words by Amy Poehler - "if you are thinking something that is quite harsh or negative about yourself, ask yourself "would I say this to a friend?" if the answer is no, don't say it to yourself" and you will get back on track, It might just take a little relaxation first.
ReplyDeleteWow! Those are really wise words! Thank you for writing them here :**
Deletewonderfully written .... I also write blog on
ReplyDeleteThank you! :)) I will check that out :)
DeleteBeing too hard on yourself only makes matters worse. As a new blogger, there are times when i felt so down and out. This is a very nice piece, well done.
ReplyDeleteI also have some inspirational posts on my blog please comment and share. Thank you
I know because I have some struggles too but as I said, I try to relax and I tells myself that everything is going to be fine! Thank you :* I will definitely check your blog :)))
DeleteThis is really a delight to read. I also have cool post on my page at:
Thank you! I will check your blog :))
DeleteI can feel exactly where you're coming from. But always remember to take it easy. Find time for yourself-- whatever it takes!
ReplyDeleteI will try my best to do that! Thank you girl! :*
DeleteTotally in love with this message-post! Sometimes it's good for all of us to receive such a reminder because as you said we are all humans and we forget about this, we need to be ourselves and let people know how we feel. Thank you for this post A. ❤
ReplyDeleteI am soo happy that I can write a post and just like that remind people of these things:))) You are welcome. ☺️
DeleteI love your positive outlook! Very inspirational!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! Have a great month! :**
DeleteI think people shouldn't be so hard on themselves. With life, it is only human nature I suppose. ��
ReplyDeleteYou are right. We should always follow our instincts. :)))
DeleteI am the first one to admit that I ALWAYS so hard on myself. I have been so many years. This is a great post and a great reminder xx
This post was so refreshing to read; honest, well-written and inspiring. Thank you for writing this Andrea, it's a wonderful reminder.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your positivity ♥ I'm stressed out plus I got embarrassed yesterday in school because I can't answer something to the teacher and I think that I'm idiot and tried to clear my mind. Thank you again!