The moment when you begin to be thankful first of all on being alive and healthy, then on other stuff, you will understand that it's not so difficult to be happy at every moment in your life. My personal opinion is that hapiness begins with thankfulness and so it's easy to be happy since there are milion reasons for which today, tomorrow and every other day you should be thankful. If you believe that one person, or something material such as traveling or expensive things will make you happy, you're wrong. This kind of hapiness will last no more than one or two days and then you will get back again to your unsatisfied mood since you can't run away from yourself, no matter how hard you try. Life begins to be more beautiful when you understand that hapiness lives inside you and that you don't have to wait for somebody to make you happy because you can easily make yourself happy.
Every morning when I get up, I am feeling thankful for waking up, for having something to wear and eat. In this way, I am putting myself in a great mood since early morning and I'm trying to keep it all day long. Of course that I also have days when I am nervous, mad and unsatisfied, when I want to give up from everything, or when I just want to argue with someone. However, during these moments I am trying to understand why I feel like this and how I could change that. Then I become aware of my feelings and I try to control my emotions without them to make me feeling bad more than one day.
Being thankful is something that improves my mood the most quickly and so I'm trying to write down every single day things on which I am thankful. When I do so, and when I really start to feel these good emotions, it's like a miracle that triggers hapiness. Suddenly, all good things start to happen to me one after one. This is like when something good happens to you and then everything follows this path of positivity and hapiness so other nice things happen too. Then you stop for a second and realize how many good things are happening to you and how awesome life is. You're not even aware that it's you who triggered that hapiness and that you can do this every day. I think that the best way to raise your vibration fast is to every day at least three things for which you are thankful for and to really wake up that feeling of thankfulness in yourself. Every day, find some time to do that, and be the witness of how your life is changed for better.
Onoga trenutka kada počnete da budete zahvalni prvo na tome što ste živi i zdravi pa onda na svim ostalim stvarima shvatićete da nije teško biti srećan u svakom trenutku vašeg života. Moje lično mišljenje je da sreća počinje sa zahvalnošću i da je veoma lako biti srećan jer postoji milion razloga na kojima danas, sutra i svakog novog dana možete biti zahvalni. Ako mislite da će vas neka osoba, putovanje ili nešto materijalno učiniti srećnim, grešite. Ta sreća će trajati dan ili dva i onda ćete se opet vratiti u stanje nezadovoljsta, jer ne možete pobeći od sebe koliko god se trudili. Život postaje mnogo lepši kada shvatite da se sreća nalazi u vama i da ne treba da čekate na nekog drugog da vas usreći jer znate da vi sami sebe možete lako učiniti srećnim.
Ja svako jutro kada ustanem budem zahvalna na tome što sam se probudila živa i zdrava, što imam šta da obučem i što imam šta da jedem, i na taj način od ranog jutra sebe stavim u odlično raspoloženje koje održavam tokom čitavog dana. Naravno da i ja imam dane kada sam nervozna, ljuta, nezadovoljna, kada mi dođe da odustanem od svega, kada bih se svađala sa svima i tako dalje ali tada pokušavam da shvatim zašto se tako osećam, kako to mogu da promenim i tada svesno počnem da "upravljam" svojim emocijama i ne dozvolim sebi da duže od jednog dana budem neraspoložena.
Zahvalnost je nešto što me najbrže stavlja u dobro raspoloženje i trudim se da svaki dan napišem nekoliko stvari na kojima sam zahvalna. Onog momenta kada to uradim i kada stvarno osetim te dobre emocije kao da pokrenem točak sreće i odjednom samo mi se dešavaju dobre stvari koje me učine srećnom, jedna za drugom. To vam je kao kada vam se desi nešto dobro i onda samo krenu takve stvari da vam se događaju i sve vam se čini nekako lepšim i boljim i onda zastanete i kažete WOW kako je divan dan danas. Niste ni svesni da vam se to dešava samo zahvaljujući tome što ste pokrenuli taj točak sreće u vama koji vam donosi sve to i da tako možete svaki dan da se osećate. Po meni, najbolji način da pokrenete taj točak jeste da nađete barem tri stvari na kojima ste zahvalni i da stvarno probudite u sebi taj osećaj zahvalnosti. Svaki dan odvojite malo vremena za to i budite sami svedok promene svog života na bolje.
Very good post! I agree that when I make up my mind to start my day positive and thankful, the whole day seems to go better!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! :))) Definitely! When I start my morning right, whole day turns out to be perfect!
DeleteThis is a great way of living. I plan to be more thankful
ReplyDeleteI am happy to hear that! :))) You will se, it will change your life :*
DeleteI love this! We started an Attitude of Gratitude writing group at my school. I love your morning ritual and will try it!
ReplyDeleteReally? That is the best thing I've ever heard!! :)) I am happy that you want to try this morning routine because I know that this will change your life for better! :* :)
DeleteBeautifully written, I like the way you play with words :)
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! :)
DeleteBeautifally put. I agree completely happiness starts with you... not from others not from things.we just need to understand only you can ignite that flame thats within. ♡ thank you for reminding me today to be thankful.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for this beautiful comment!! Have a great day :**
DeleteGreat outlook on life Andrea! This simple technique allows one to "build" a solid foundation of optimism daily. If more people incorporated what you do daily this world would be a better and happier place! Love this post!
ReplyDeleteC.J. Guy @3amcreatives
I absolutely agree and I hope that I will inspire people to do this more often! Thank you so much :)))
DeleteLove every word of it! Couldn't agree with you more! You know, once I watched some psychologist on TV, and she was asked "...Do you have any advice for us, how can we be happy?". Her answer was "Just be.". It's the same thing you talk about here. You decide if you want to be happy (or miserable), and most of the time, material possessions have nothing do do with it. Keep up the good work! ;)
ReplyDeleteBecause you are in control of your emotions and you can always decide to be happy, there is nothing to do with material possessions. Thank you so sooo much! :)))
DeleteI agree attitude is everything. We can literally be our own worst enemy. Staying positive especially through hardships can make all the difference in the world.
ReplyDeleteThat is true! We have to stay positive no matter what because this life is short and we have to enjoy in it and be positive as much as we can! :)
DeleteBeing grateful really does open the heart and create space for happiness. I enjoyed reading your uplifting post, thanks!
ReplyDeleteIt opens my heart every single time! :))) Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this comment! I am glad you enjoyed reading this blogpost and I am also grateful for that! :)
DeleteThanks for sharing these happy thoughts. Regards.
ReplyDeleteAlways. :)))
DeleteThis is exactly what I need to hear this afternoon. Happiness is in our control and yes we can choose to be happy in life. Great thoughts to start the day. Keep it up.
ReplyDeleteBest way to start your day! Thank you so much!! :)))
Deletebeautiful, thank you for this. You write beautifully, and the message speaks volumes to me!
ReplyDeleteBlessed to hear that! :))) Thank you and have a great day today!
DeleteCompletely agree with the quote and your message was beautiful<3
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! Have a great day!!! :)))
DeleteNice post.
ReplyDeleteCheck out
I needed to hear this! I can sense the gratitude in your writing, keep up the good work!!