Have you ever noticed how crazy it is when something good happens in your life and then all of sudden you get more and more good things in your life or when someone invites you to go somewhere then everyone else stars to call you? Or when something bad happens then everything starts to go in that direction. There is no one to call you, everyone is busy with their own work and your day turns out to be boring. The other day I talked about this with my friend and we both agreed that it's actually always like this. We came to the conclusion that only one event or call can turn your day from bad to good. It doesn't have to mean that happens to everyone on this planet but considering how many people I talked about this in last time, I realized that it happens more than often to some people.
These days I tested this because I was curious is it really like this and I wanted to figure out what is the one thing that I can I do about that. This test helped me realized that people can change whole situation by doing one thing that they love to do. If you understand that one thing lead to the other, than you will testify how your life is changing for the better. If you do one thing that you love, you will get more and more of those things and just like on the app Pintrest, where you just have to type one word to find what you are looking for and then you get more and more words and ideas about the thing that you are interested in.
In my case, what happened is that one day I was at home and I felt really bored, so I called couple of my friends to go out but none of them couldn't make it because they had other plans. There I was, lying in my bed and trying to think about one thing that I love to do and that I could do right now. I remebered that I really love to listen to music, but I didn't wanted to turn on my phone or computer, I wanted to find more interesting way to listen to music. So, I went to my grandparents room and I found old radio and luckily it was still working. I came back to my room, turned volume up and I started to dance. Then, I decorated my room and I organized my jewerly and makeup. I also decluttered my closet, saved wardarobe that I still wear and packed chlotes that I don't wear any more and I gave them to charity. While I was doing that my friend called me and she said that there is this new place in a town that we have to go tonight. We went out and we had an amazing night. Later, when I came home I was lying down in my bad and I felt wonderful. Tomorrow, everything continued in that direction and my day was full of fun activities.
One thing lead to the other.
It's much easier when you know that by doing one thing that you love, you will get more and more of it. When you apply this to your life you can easily change the bad situation in a good, boring life in an interesting one. You simply change the course of your life. You encourage it to go in a direction you are interested in.
Jeste primetili kako je cudno to kada vam se nesto dobro desi u zivotu i onda sve krene na dobro ili kada vam se neko javi onda odjednom krenu skoro sve osobe da vam se javljaju? Ili s druge strane kada vam se desi nesto lose onda sve krene ka dole i samo se redjaju takve situacije. Niko vam se ne javlja, svi su otisli negde svojim poslom, onda vam bude dosadno i sve deluje nekako bezveze. O tome sam bas pre neki dan pricala sa drugaricom i obe smo dosle do ovog zakljucka. Shvatile smo da je i njoj i meni uvek bilo tako u zivotu. Samo jedan dobar ili los dogadjaj ili jedan poziv mogu da okrenu sve u tom smeru u kom je zapoceto. Ne mora da znaci da se ovo desava stalno i da je bas svima ovako ali s obzirom na to sa koliko ljudi sam pricala o ovome nakon razgovora sa drugaricom i svi su mi skoro potvrdili da im je ovako, onda moze se reci da se vecini ovo desava.
Ja sam ovih dana malo to testirala i dosla sam do zakljucka da je stvar u tome da vi sami mozete jednom akcijom da promenite ceo proces. U slucaju da vam se trenutno ne desava nista posebno ili da vam se nesto lose desilo vi treba istog tog trenutka da uradite samo jednu stvar koju volite da radite. Kako jedna stvar vodi ka drugoj, bicete svedoci samom menjanju vaseg zivota na bolje. Dolazice vam sve bolje i bolje ideje, sve lepsi i lepsi dogadjaji, stizace vam poruke od raznih osoba i sve ce ici u tom smeru. Bas kao u Pintrest aplikaciji, dovoljno je samo da ukucate jednu rec koja vas zanima da bi pored nje izaslo jos mnogo takvih i vi odjednom imate toliko opcija na raspolaganju.
U mom slucaju konkretno ja sam tog dana kada mi je sve delovalo onako bezveze i dosadno, dok sam lezala na krevetu, razmisljala sta je ono sto bi sada, ovog trenutka me pokrenulo, sta je ono sto bi sada volela da uradim. Tako, lezeci na krevetu, setila sam se da obozavam da slusam muziku i da me ona uvek pokrece ali nisam htela da palim telefon ili kompjuter, vec sam htela da to slusanje muzike bude malo zanimljivije. Otisla sam u babinu i dedinu sobu i medju gomilom starih stvari nasla sam jedan radio koji je srecom jos uvek bio u funkciji. Otisla sam u sobu, namestila ga, nasla radio stanicu sa dobrom muzikom i pojacala muziku do kraja. Onda sam krenula da sredjujem svoju sobu, nakit lepo slozim u kutije, sminku da rasporedim po policama, garderobu da slozim, da sacuvam ono sto nosim a ono sto vise ne nosim, spakovala sam u kesu i poklonila sam ljudima kojima je to potrebno. Onda me je drugarica pozvala i rekla mi da se otvorio novi kafic u gradu, koji moramo da posetimo. Sredile smo se i otisle tamo. Bio je to jedan od najboljih izlazaka. Uvece kad sam dosla kuci legla sam u krevet i osecala sam se tako ispunjeno i ponosno jer sam od jednog dosadnog dana napravila fenomenalan dan. Sutradan se samo nastavilo tako, bila sam pozvana na dosta zanimljivih dogadjaja, mnogi su me pozvali cisto onako da se ispricamo ili da idemo negde i tako jedna stvar vodila je drugoj. Moj dan je bio ispunjen zanimljivim dogadjajima.
Jedna stvar vodi drugoj.
Mnogo je lakse kada znate i kada primenite ovo na svoj zivot jer onda tako lako menjate losu situaciju u dobru, dosadan zivot u zanimljiv. Jednostavno menjate tok vaseg zivota. Pokrecete ga i podsticete da ide u pravcu koji vas zanima.
I love this! I am going to start implementing this in my own life.
ReplyDeleteThank you! You will enjoy in every step of it :)))
DeleteThere is only one in all and all are one. It is true that everyone and everything are connected. What is important is our perspective and reaction in handling people and circumstances that come our way.
ReplyDeleteYes!!! I completely agree! Perspective is so important in life! Great comment :)) thank you :)
DeleteLoved reading this! It is very true how our attitude towards a day can affect it amd allow us to have many good moments or many bad ones.That is why it is so important to not let small things ruin our day!
ReplyDeleteTurn it around and focus only on good things in your life! Kisses :*
DeleteWe hold all brushes and dyes, and life is simply our canvas on which we create, so we have to draw something really beautiful and to live beautiful �� Loved this post, it's important to know & make it happen. More happy moments more happy YOU��
ReplyDeleteThat is really beautiful quote! More happy moments more happy you! Thank you :)))
DeleteI adore the message you're sending across xx
ReplyDeleteThank you so much dear! Xx :*
DeleteI can totally relate to this! The only thing to do is to try to attract good energy. Rest will follow ☺️
ReplyDeleteJust align and it will be ok! :)))
DeleteLaw of attraction! I love it, it's really what you put your mind too! What you think about comes about. Thanks for the positive message this morning!
ReplyDelete:))) :**
DeleteLaw of attraction! I love it, what you think about comes about. I love the positive message this morning xx
ReplyDeleteYeeees! I am so glad to hear that! Have a wonderful day :)))