I feel like I am always struggling with saving money. When I see a beautiful dress, new beauty product or something like that, I immediately think how it would be great if I'd saved some money but unfortunately I didn't.
I have tried in many ways to save money but somehow I would always spend it on lunch, coffee or things that I don't actually need in that moment. So through March I decided to try something new and see how it works.
I challenged myself this month and I decided not to spend money on fast food.
Believe me or not, it helped me save a lot of money.
Life is a lil bit hectic these days and I am trying my best to stay healthy but also to save money.
So here is what I do..
When I know that I will be outside all day and that I won't have time to come home and have a lunch I like to prepare meal for that day and bring it with me.
In the morning I have breakfast at home ( i always get up early so that I can eat and get ready without rush), right after that, in a little box I put vegetables and meat, beside that I also put two apples and one banana. Simply like that, If I am hungry I have food with me, I don't have to buy sandwich or something unhealthy and at the same time I am saving the money.
On the other hand, If you live alone or you are the one who buys food for everyone in the house you should go to grocery store at the beginning of the month and buy food that will be enough for two weeks and then you go again in the middle of the month and do the same thing. Therefore, you will choose healthier options and you will save energy, time and money.
Imam osećaj da čim sačuvam nešto novca, odmah ga potrošim na ručak sa prijateljima, na kafu ili na nešto što tek posle shvatim da mi uopšte nije trebalo u tom trenutku. Onda kada ugledam prelepu haljinu u izlogu ili novi proizvod u Liliju bude mi žao što nisam bar malo uštedela.
Dosta njih sam pitala kako da sačuvam novac, međutim svi su mi rekli da moram prvo da shvatim na šta ga najviše trošim i onda da to nekako regulišem. Shvatila sam da ga najviše trošim na sitnice poput sendviča, kafe, stvari koje uvek mogu da ponesem od kuće.
Tako sam i uradila i početkom marta postavila sam sebi izazov da ne kupujem ništa od hrane već da sve nosim sa sobom.
Ovih dana ili sam na fakultetu, u čitaonici ili u teretani, kod kuće samo imam vremena ujutru da doručkujem i onda dolazim uveče tek oko osam, devet a nekad i kasnije. Tako da ujutru, odmah posle doručka, pripremim obrok za taj dan, u jednu kutiju stavim dosta povrća i mesa i pored toga u kesu stavim dve jabuke i jednu bananu. Ukoliko sam gladna, imam hranu pored sebe, ne moram da kupujem sendvič ili nešto nezdravo u pekari.
Dve muve jednim udarcem - zdravije se hranim i u isto vreme štedim novac.
Sa druge strane ako živite sami ili ste vi ti koji kupujete hranu za celu porodicu, onda predlažem da na početku meseca kupite dosta namirnica koje će trajati dve nedelje i onda opet isto to da uradite na sredini meseca. Na taj način izabraćete zdravije opcije, sačuvaćete energiju, vreme i novac.
Hi Andrea, I can relate to your problem. I spend most of my money on food! Ugh. I'll try to eat healthier to and cut back on the fast food. Your blog post reminded me to do this too. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteDo check out my blog as well: http://theyangone.com
You're welcome! Hope it will help you! xoxo :*